Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Downside of Ambition Explored in Macbeth - 1245 Words

Macbeth is a play written by Shakespeare that is set in eleventh century Scotland. It details the life of the Macbeth, a brave and noble man who is described as ‘Bellona’s bridegroom’ (1.3.54), specifically the events after he meets three supernatural creatures who tell him about his fate. The reader should see Macbeth as a great man whose ambition for security leads to his downfall. Ambitions and manipulation from his wife cause him to commit Duncan’s murder, but this particular murder does not relate to Macbeth’s downfall. This man’s ambition for the crown turns into ambition for security after he becomes king, causing him to kill more to keep his unrightful kingship safe. There are a lot of supernatural occurrences in this play, but†¦show more content†¦Macbeth fears the Witches put a ‘fruitless crown [on his head] and put a barren sceptre in [his] gripe’ (3.1.62-63); he fears that he murdered the Duncan, ‘put ra ncours in the vessel of [his peace]’ (3.1.68) and gave his soul to the devil just for Banquo’s children. Out of his need for security, Macbeth decides to kill Banquo and Fleance to ensure the prophecy will not come true. The same can be applied to the planned murder of Macduff. Even though ‘none of woman born shall harm Macbeth’ (4.1.79-80), Macbeth decides to act on the earlier apparition of ‘beware Macduff’ (4.1.70) and kill Macduff because he is deemed a threat. Additionally, after the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth is no longer Macbeth’s ‘dearest partner of greatness’ (1.5.10) as she was before. Macbeth does not even tell her about his plan to murder Banquo; he keeps everything to himself, perhaps because he is in a world created by insecurities. The Witches’ words have a larger influence on Macbeth during the later part of the play only because they are manipulated by Macbeth to bear more meaning to him. Macbet h ‘demand[ed]’ the apparitions. The Witches did not use their powers to force Macbeth to murder, they merely show him ‘what [he] asked [of them]’ (4.1.60). Macbeth is consciously taking the three apparitions and using them to fit his plans of ridding his kingdom of threats to the crown. The Witches are not influencing Macbeth when decided to ‘give th’edge o’th’sword to

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Role of The Front Office Free Essays

A security program is most effective when all employees participate in the hotel s security efforts. Front office staff play a paticularly important role. Front desk agent, door attendants, bellpersons, and parking attendantshave the oppurtunity to observe all persons entering or departing the premises. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of The Front Office or any similar topic only for you Order Now Suspicious activities or circumstances involving a guest or visitor should be reported to the hotel s security department or a designated staff member. Several procedures front desk agents should use to protect guests and property have already been mentioned. For example, front desk agents should never give keys, room numbers, messages, or mail to anyone requesting them without first requiring appropriate identification. Similiarly, the front desk agent should not announce an arriving guest s room number. Guest s may be further proteceted if the front office prohibits staff members frrom providing guest information to callers or visitors. Generally, front desk agent should not mention guest room numbers. People calling guest s at the hotel should be directly connected to the appropriate guestroom without being informed of the room number. Conversely, someone asking for a specific room number over the telephone should never be connected until the caller identifies whom he or she is calling and the hotel employee verifies the identity of the person in the room requested. A person inquiring at the front desk about a guest may be asked to use the house phones so that they connect only to the hotel operator. The caller can then be properly screened to provideadditional security. Front office staff may also inform guest s of personal precautions they may take. For example, front desk agents may suggest that guests hide and secure any valuables left in their cars. Bellpersons accompanying the guest to a room generally provide instructions on the operation of in-room equipment. The bellpersons may also review any decals or notices in the room relating to guest security. This should always include emergency evacuation paths and procedures. The front office may provide the guests with flyers containing safety tips, such as the example shown in exhibit 6. 5. How to cite The Role of The Front Office, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Essay Socrates Example For Students

Essay Socrates At the elderly age of seventy, Socrates found himself fighting against anindictment of impiety. He was unsuccessful at trial in the year 399 B.C. Thecharges were corrupting the youth of Athens, not believing in the traditionalgods in whom the city believed, and finally, that he believed in other newdivinities. In Platos Apology, Socrates defends himself against thesecharges. He claims that the jurors opinions are biased because they hadprobably all seen Aristophanes comedy The Clouds. The Socrates portrayed inAristophanes Clouds is an altogether different character than that of theApology. The two different impressions of Socrates lead to quite oppositeopinions with regard to his guilt. In The Clouds, Socrates actions provideevidence of his guilt on all three charges. However, in the Apology, Socrates isfairly convincing in defending his innocence on the first two charges, but fallsshort on the third charge. Socrates, in The Clouds, is portrayed as an idiot whothinks hes walking on a ir and is interested primarily in gnats rumps. Heis delineated as a natural philosopher/sophist. He is hired to teachPheidippides to make the worse argument, the argument that is reallyincorrect and unjust the betterto his fathers creditors so thatStrepsiades, Pheidippides father, will not have to pay his debts. While thisin itself is corrupt, it was that he changed Pheidippides from the time heentered Socrates Thinkery into a corrupt scoundrel, completely devoidof morality that was even more deplorable. At the beginning, Pheidippides is arespectful son who loves his father, but after graduating from theThinkery he is beating his father with a stick (lines 1321-1333). Socrates wasso successful in corrupting Pheidippides that he even attempts to justify hisbehavior using rhetorical techniques learned from Socrates. In response to hisfather questioning his actions he claims Yes by God; whats more, Illprove its right to do sowith unbeatable arguments. He has obviouslybeen extremely cor rupted if he could talk in this manner to his father. Notbelieving in the traditional gods, which is the second charge fits theAristophanic Socrates perfectly. Socrates explicitly frowns upon the gods whenhe exclaims, what do you mean, the gods? In the first place, godsarent legal tender here (lines 247-248). Later, when explaining theelements to Strepsiades, Socrates exclaims Zeus you say? Dont kid me!Theres no Zeus at all (lines 368-369). He is undoubtedly saying that hedoes not believe in the traditional gods. The claim that Socrates believed innew divinities, the third charge, is clearly seen when he enter (s) intocommunion with the clouds, who are our deities (lines 253-254). Socratesproves methodically how it could not be Zeus who causes phenomena such as rain,thunder, and lightening, but rather is merely the work of the Clouds. For, if itwere indeed the work of Zeus, then he would bring rain in absence of any clouds. The fact that the clouds are always present during precipitation attests totheir power as opposed to that of Zeus. As the Clouds were not traditional gods,Socrates guilt on this charge is rather evident. Even as Socrates ispresented as a blabbering fool, full of hubris, in the Clouds, an entirelydifferent perspective on this alleged sophist is given to us in the Apology. Throughout Platos works including the Clouds, Socrates himself claims not tohave any wisdom (he did not have any knowledge of arete) so he could notpossibly have been a sophist. In terms of the charges he seems to absolvehimself of the first two charges of corrupting the youth of Athens, and notbelieving in the traditional gods; though he is less convincing in his claimthat he has no allegiance to other gods. Socrates claims he could not possiblybe guilty of the first charge for several reasons. He feels the charge arisesout of anger towards him for when he applies his Socratic method whilequestioning others beliefs, it often has the effect of leaving them feelingembarrassed and ridiculed. However, Socrates maintains that his objective ismerely to ascertain the ultimate truths, a noble act for sure. In fact, Socratesbelieves that the pursuit of truth is the most important work of man. Besides,the youth following is not as a result of recruitment but rather of their ownfree will (23cl -2). And on the actual charge of corrupting the youth, whenprodded by him to give an example of these acts, none is forthcoming. Theypresent it in a general sense lacking any specific incidence. Furthermore, it isillogical for one to willingly corrupt ones companions, for if I make oneof my associates wicked I run the risk of being harmed by him so that I do sucha great evil deliberately, as you say? (25e 3-5). Socrates further arguesthat if he truly did corrupt the youth, it may explain why his studentsdid not accuse him of such, but it wouldnt account for the absence of inquiryfrom their distraught families. If those closely involved have not shown anyconcern, this is further evidence of his innocence (33 d1-34 e3). Perhaps, mosttelling is that Socrates was willing to sacrifice his life for his convictionsinstead of pleading for clemency by detracting from his views. This shows thehigh character of Socrates who holds steadfast to his beliefs under even themost trying of circumstan ces. The second charge of not believing in thetraditional gods seems to be a trumped up charge as well. Socrates tells of hismission to discern the enigmatic statement that Chairephon, his friend, hadreceived from the oracle at Delphi, stating that he is wisest among men(20e6-22e5). The temple at Delphi was a shrine to Apollo, a traditional god. Hewas impoverished and hated because of it. If Socrates did not believe in thetraditional gods, he would not have devoted his life to realize the ultimatetruths using his unsurpassed wisdom, which would thereby confirm the claim ofthe oracle at Delphi. Believing in new divinities, though, the third charge, isperhaps legitimate. Socrates claims to get a divine sign every once in a whileand says whenever it speaks it turns me away from something I am about to do,but it never encourages me to do anything (31d2-3). This goes against theprevailing notion that the gods control the behavior of mortals like puppeteersas was often espoused in Greek l ore. But rather, that gods are benevolenttowards their human subjects. Thus, Socrates seems to have conjured up a newkind of divinity, thereby making him guilty of Meletus third charge. Althoughneither depiction of Socrates is entirely accurate, they each illustrate someguilt on Socrates part. The Aristophanic Socrates is completely guilty whilethe Platonic Socrates is only guilty on one account. In both works, he probablydid not deserve to be condemned to death but more so in Platos work it seemsthat Socrates has wrongfully been put to death. For an argument can be made thatnot only was Socrates not guilty of the charges, (at least most of them), butthat his pursuit of morality and his view of the gods was invaluable to thesociety at large.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Gilded Six Bits Critique Essay Research free essay sample

The Gilded Six Bits Critique Essay, Research Paper The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920 s and early 1930 s was a period of huge African American literary and rational activity, centered in Harlem, New York City. During this clip many authors emerged, among them Zora Neale Hurston and Richard Wright. Respectively their works The Gilded Six-Bits and Almos A Man are literary reminders of the early South. While go toing college in New York, Zora Neale Hurston became portion of the Harlem Renaissance s literati and hung out with the likes of Langston Hughes, Wallace Thurman, and Jessie Fauset. She termed the black literati the niggerati. She became good known non merely for her Hagiographas, but for her frankness, her distinguishable manner of frock, and her refusal to be ashamed of her civilization. Many critics considered her works politically na ve, and the black community was frequently angered by her representations of inkinesss, which was non straight associated with the promotion of the race. We will write a custom essay sample on The Gilded Six Bits Critique Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Richard Wright began his calling in the early mid-thirtiess printing poesy and short narratives in such magazines as Left Front, Anvil, and New Masses. Unlike Hurston, Wright was propelled to international celebrity while still in the prime of his calling. His plants were acclaimed by legion celebrated persons ; frequently comparing him to the likes of Theodore Drieser and John Steinbeck. Zora Neale Hurston s The Gilded Six-Bits duologue is written in heavy idiom. Its intent is to excite the reader about a foreign civilization and reveal elements of it. Hurston uses storytelling to carry through the potency of the idiom # 8217 ; s success. For illustration, Joe recalls his first brush with Mr. Slemmons: Ah went down to de sto tuh git a box of lye and Ah seen im standin on de corner talkin to some of de mens, and Ah come on dorsum and went scrubbin de floor, and he passed and tipped his chapeau whilst Ah was scouring the stairss. Ah thought Ah neer seen him befo. Hurston skips scenes, and allows the characters to state narratives of their experiences to uncover the unwritten tradition that at the same time complements and complicates the characters. Hurston furthers this by including folk looks in the narrative, such as, manner after awhile, do his market, and muss of flowers. Religion and other values and beliefs are revealed by metaphors and other looks. For illustration, Missy May comforts Joe s insecurity by stating God took form after a pine tree and made you baronial. This individual statement indirectly tells the reader the basic spiritual background of the characters. Wright besides writes his duologue utilizing dialect, but to a lesser grade than Hurston. This is because Wright writes less duologue between characters. Wright s Almos A Man is the narrative of a 17 twelvemonth old black young person turning up in the South. The short narrative portrays the immature male childs hankering for a gun to typify his ripening to manhood. Wright is composing of the young person desiring to get away the mundane life of the South, and their yearning for new environments and experiences. The two authors, Zora Neale Hurston and Richard Wright, though well similar in their authorship techniques were seen otherwise during their calling. While Willard huntington wrights plants were publically praised, Hurston had to wait until her deathbed to eventually go noticed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Eliot ensures that in Silas Marner all the characters get exactly what they Deserve Essay Example

Eliot ensures that in Silas Marner all the characters get exactly what they Deserve Essay Example Eliot ensures that in Silas Marner all the characters get exactly what they Deserve Paper Eliot ensures that in Silas Marner all the characters get exactly what they Deserve Paper Essay Topic: Literature The word deserve means to be entitled to or worthy of. The characters in Silas Marner have things happen to them some beneficial and some detrimental. These are usually a result of what has happened in the past. Many of the characters act foolishly and get what they deserve in return for their foolishness, but others suffer in return for other characters mistakes. Different characters act in different ways when exploring their actions what they deserve will be easily seen. Fair is fair but how fair has George Eliot been to these characters? Silas Marner is one of the only characters that one could say suffers greatly for another characters mistakes. Silas, a man who believes faithfully in G-D, lives in a religious community called Lantern Yard in an industrial town, before he moves to Raveloe. Lantern Yard is a close community; everyone including Silas would go to church together every Sunday. Undeservingly Silas is betrayed by what he thinks is a good friend in the community. He is affected deeply by the betrayal and moves to Raveloe where he begins to live his life in isolation. He loses all trust in man and becomes only involved in material things like his pot which had been his companion for twelve years. When the earthenware pot breaks Silas reaction shows that the sap of affection was not all gone. Silass heart at this stage is not completely devoid of human feeling. He becomes however, increasingly dependant on his gold and each night he closed his shutters, and made fast his doors, and drew forth his gold. As Silas grows older with just inanimate companions his heart grows harder. His gold, as he hung over it and saw it grow, gathered his power of loving together into a hard isolation like its own. The gold represents the hardness of his heart and shows that he is yearning for a human companion. William Dane stole Silass fiance and accused him of being the person that stole money from the church. William Dane the man who betrays Silas was the character who really deserved to live his life in isolation not Silas. One can see from where Silas has chose n to live that he has lost all trust in man and is secluding himself from the new community he has moved to. Silas had been a trusting man before the betrayal The prominent eyes that used to look trusting. He hardly communicates or socializes with anyone from Raveloe until the day that Dunstan Cass steals his only companion, his gold. Silas makes a big step in turning to his community for help. Silas does not help himself in making friends in the community, fifteen years since Silas Marner had first come to Raveloe, he invited no comer to step across his door-sill, and he never strolled into the village to drink a pint at the rainbow. This shows that it is not only the villagers that exclude Silas but also shows that Silas secludes himself. The villagers who never really speak to Silas are eager to hear about the robbery, they are intrigued as this is the first time Silas had ever come to them. Silas did nothing to deserve such a tragic thing to happen to him but it was for the good, it brought him out of his hibernation and enabled him to deserve to have Eppie. Godfrey named by his neighbo urs as a fine open-faced good natured young man is the opposite of what people think of him. Godfrey has much to hide and is in fact not at all open faced. Godfrey is unable to be happy and completely open-faced as he has a secret that he has yet to share. His wife Molly Farren is an opium addict and an alcoholic which, Godfrey most likely did not know until the two were married. Dunstan urged him into a secret marriage, which was a blight on his life. The word urged suggests that Godfrey did not wish to marry Molly but was pushed into it. He manages to take some responsibility for the marriage and does not just blame it all on his brothers wrong doings. the delusion was partly due to a trap laid for him by Dunstan. This shows Godfreys ability to know what is right and what is wrong. This also reveals to the reader that he is able to take some responsibility for his actions. Godfreys father, Squire Cass used to be married to Godfrey and Dunstans mother until she passed away many years ago. It shows from the description of the goings on in the Cass house that they are without a female touch in the house. coats and hats flung on the chairs half-choked fire, they seem to be disorganized and uncaring about the mess they create. The description of the house shows the moral dissolution in Cass house. Godfrey is told by his father that he is a shilly-shally fellow, he understands his sons true problem even though his father spends the majority of his time in The Rainbow. Godfrey is described by Eliot as having natural irresolution and moral cowardice which are the main reasons for his unhappiness. Godfrey knows what is right and what is wrong but he is like Dunstan in the way that he does not act on what he knows. Even though he knows that he should tell his father about his secret marriage to Molly Farren instead of paying Dunstan not to tell anyone he does not. He cannot make his mind up and do what he knows is right instead of what he thinks is right. Godfrey is lucky in that both his Brother Dunstan and Molly Farren die before anyone finding out his painful secret. He is able to marry Nancy Lammeter, a rich villager. He thinks if he were to marry her she would put order in his disorganized life. The name Eliot has used for Nancys last name Lammeter is a word that suggests measure and order Meter. Godfrey thinks that now no one will ever find out about his secret marriage he can become a nicer less bitter person. Godfrey and Nancy have a child who dies at a young age, which makes Godfrey again into a bitter person. Godfrey has a child with Molly Farren, a daughter Eppie. Godfrey never until his brothers body is recovered tells anyone about Eppie being his daughter. When Dunstans body is found Godfrey decides to tell the truth about Molly and Eppie. He expects Nancy to act in to the opposite way that she does, she shows some sort of sympathy for Godfrey but wonders why he did not tell her sooner then sixteen years later. Nancy and Godfrey cannot have children so they decide to take back what Godfrey thinks is rightfully his, they decide they want to adopt Eppie. Godfrey does not consider the fact that Eppie has grown attached to Silas. She is now eighteen and has grown up with Silas being her true father she explains to Godfrey and Nancy that she wants to stay with Silas and does not want to live with them. Godfrey did not have the right to ask to adopt Eppie; now that he could not have children he decides he wants Eppie when all those years went passed where he wants nothing to do with her or her mother. He was the blood relation to Eppie and in some ways should have been able to adopt her considering she is his child, but she is no longer a child. Godfrey did nothing to deserve Eppie, to ignore ones own child for so long and then suddenly want them is morally unmerited. Godfrey waited too long to release his secrets. He deserved to keep Nancy, he did admit what he had done wrong which was hard for him to do but because it took him so long to do right, he did not manage or deserve to get all that he wanted. Eppie is just a child when she is introduced into the novel, by her mother Molly Farren who is an alcoholic and opium addict. Eppies true father is Godfrey who has nothing to do with her until she is eighteen years old. Eppie is just a child and does not deserve to have parents that do not love her and care for her. She is alone in this world until thankfully she finds Silas. Nancy is quite naive at times but she is seen to be a morally correct character. Due to Godfreys wrongful deeds she is unable to have children with him as he has done nothing to deserve them, and has done everything to not deserve them. Nancy does get the love of Godfrey at the end of the novel which is what they both deserve, to be happy as Godfrey finally lets out the truth and Nancy in the end becomes more open minded. Dunstan also known as Dunsey, is described by his neighbours as a spiteful jeering fellow, who seemed to enjoy his drink more when other people went dry. He does not care about what people think of him as long as he gets his way. His elder brother Godfrey is in agreement with his neighbours as he believes that Dunstan would sell himself, if it was only for the pleasure of making somebody feel hed got a bad bargain. He is extremely jealous of Godfrey and as the reader can see does everything he can to get Godfrey in situations he cannot get out of. Dunstan often does selfish things in a malicious way. Dunstan, few years ago tempted his brother to marry a low class working woman. Elliot does not say exactly how Dunstan managed to do this, but the description of the situation shows that Godfrey thinks the delusion was partly due to a trap laid for him by Dunstan. He plans to inherit his fathers wealth and house by pushing Godfrey to the edge until he tells his father about his secret marriage. One dark night Dunstan is returning home after leaving Wildfire, Godfreys horse, to die after being hurt by Dunstans lack of care. While passing Silas Marners cottage he sees a gleaming of light which came from the cottage. Dunstans first thought when seeing the cottage was the rumours about Silas Marners gold. Dunstan considers carrying out one of his ideas he calls cheating a man by making him believe that he would be paid. It did not take much for Dunstan to carry out his idea, he proceeds with knocking loudly, rather enjoying the idea that the old fellow would be frightened at the sudden noise. There was no answer at the door so Dunstan felt it appropriate to push his fingers through the latch hole. He convinces himself that Silas has fallen down into the stone pit and is dead, so it is only fair that he takes the precious gold. Dunstan leaves the cottage after taking the money and finds it difficult to see, later in the novel the reader learns Dunstan never managed to make it home. Sixteen years passes with hardly any mention of Dunstans whereabouts, when suddenly his body is discovered and he is said to have fallen into the stone pit with Silass money and Godfreys gold riding whip. Ironically he had fallen in the Stone pit where he had originally thought Silas was. One could say George Eliot gave Dunstan what he deserved and one could say that she did not and that Dunstan did not deserve to die. He did wrong to Silas, his brother Godfrey and his Familys name. He took pleasure in others pain and never stopped to think about how his actions effect someone else. Dunstan never considered doing a kind act while he was alive. He only considered doing wrong he deserved the punishment he received. Dunstan was given what he deserved but in an ironic way, he had convinced himself that Silas Marner had fallen and died in the stone pit but he was wrong and it ended up him falling in the stone pit and dying. In this way Dunstan is seen to be getting what he deserved. Godfrey I think does get what he deserves, he did wrong by not claiming Eppie and telling her she was his daughter, and he lied to his friends and family. Godfreys good intentions are rewarded along with the bad things he has done. He gets what he deserves like Eppie not wanting to be adopted by him. Silas, the man who does no wrong gets the most out of all the characters in the book. He was betrayed in the beginning and Eppie to make up for it. He ends up in the end keeping Eppie with him, getting his gold back and becoming a much more sociable person. He deserved good to happen to him especially after Dunstan stealing his gold. Silas deserved every good thing he got. With this in mind I have recognised that George Eliots has been fair and makes sure the characters get exactly what they deserve.

Friday, November 22, 2019

College Move-In Day - Long Distance Dorm Move-In Tips

College Move-In Day - Long Distance Dorm Move-In Tips Moving your child into her new home  is tough enough when youre schlepping all of her worldly possessions in the family car. Add air travel or a cross-country road trip to the mix and it becomes even more challenging. Thankfully colleges and retailers get it: Nowadays its becoming increasingly more common for kids to attend schools that are hundreds of miles from home, so you can ship belongings directly to campus, order supplies online for local pickup, or just wait until you get there to shop. Follow these tips to avoid a few key mistakes. Rent a Car An hours-long drive across several states may be  daunting, but if a one-way road trip is not too ghastly a concept, consider renting a car. Drive to the college with all the gear, move in, drop off the car at the airport, and fly back. Youll pay a premium for a one-way rental, but it may be worth it to avoid the hassle and expense of shipping large items. And save money by following these tips from U.S. News World Report: Dont buy insurance. Your insurance company may cover rental cars, so check before you travel. If not, many credit cards offer insurance for free if you use their card to pay for the car. Dont rent at the airport. Yes, youll drop off the car at the airport, but that doesnt mean you need to rent at the airport. Youll be paying a drop-off fee anyway, so skip the high price of airport rentals.Shop around. Spending just a few minutes on the internet, you can book your car online- often at a discount.Dont pay extra for GPS. Use your smartphone for navigation.Take your time when inspecting the car. Any dings or dents you miss may be billed to you upon returning the car.Return the car on time. Many rental companies determine drop-off times according to the time of day you rented the car. So, check with the company before renting. Use Storage Bins If you are driving, its much easier to pack a car (even a rental) with regularly shaped objects- boxes or large plastic bins- as opposed to plastic trash bags or grocery sacks. Plus boxes are much easier to lug up multiple flights of crowded dorm stairs once you get to the school, especially if the bins have handholds. Many dorms  dont have elevators, and those that do will be crammed. Once hes moved in, your child can use the bins for extra storage or to transport laundry to the laundry room, which is likely to be some distance away from his room. Ship Items Ahead of Time   Double check the college mailroom schedule. Some schools accept packages over the summer, and a few even deliver to the dorms. Other mailrooms, like the one at UC San Diego, dont open until several days after move-in day, a situation that may leave your child sleeping on borrowed towels until he can retrieve his bedding from the mailroom. If you run into mailroom issues, make sure your childs luggage includes the absolute essentials shell need during the first few days, including sheets, towels, toiletries, a light jacket, two pairs of shoes, and a couple of sets of clothes. Your child can create decorations, such as picture mobiles, as well as a laundry basket and even a nightstand, with easily obtainable (and inexpensive) materials. Theres no need to buy and ship such items ahead of time. If you have a friend, colleague, or relative who lives in the same area where your child will be attending school, have his belongings shipped there. And while youre packing, remember that your child won’t need his heavy woolens in August, so ship winter items later, or have him pick them up at Thanksgiving if he is planning to fly home for the holiday, as many students do. Order Online Some retailers allow you to order gear online and pick it up in stores in another state. Just verify the location, print out a copy of your order paperwork, and allow extra time for pickup. Big box stores near college campuses are always clogged during move-in day, but since youve picked everything out ahead of time youll be able to get in and out without a hitch. Shop Once You Arrive Depending on how your childs move-in and orientation schedules are structured, you might be there for one day or a weekend.  If you have an extra day for dorm room shopping, take advantage of it. It takes an incredible amount of time, but trying to find the right stores and the right stuff in a college town on move-in day can be quite an arduous task. If move-in day is just that- a day- dont panic when you realize youve forgotten something because you  will  forget something.  Locate the nearest big box stores before move-in day to save yourself some stress. If youve rented a vehicle, consider keeping it for one extra day so you can drive your child to pick up those last-minute supplies. Many stores allow you to order online and then pick up items the same day. Youll only need a laptop, tablet computer, or smartphone to order, so consider packing one of those three electronic devices, regardless of what method you use to deliver the goods- and your child- as she begins her long-distance college career.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Motivation and Pay Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Motivation and Pay - Case Study Example Many variables are found to be considerably related to indices of absence, the results appear to be unstable across situations and time. Every incentive program is based on a formula for enhancing motivation that engages four fundamental variables: effort, performance, outcomes, and satisfaction. The logic behind these programs goes something like this: employees at Gap Inc. will put in the accurate quantity of effort to meet performance hopes if these part time employees at Gap Inc. obtain the types of outcomes that include pay raises and promotions which will provide part time employees satisfaction. In simpler words, Gap Inc. should provide its employees what they want, and employees will work hard to get it. Conversely, the problem with most incentive programs like of Gap Inc. is that they center exclusively on the submission of outcomes and overlook the three beliefs that are the key to making the motivation solution work: The first conviction compacts with the relationship between employee effort and performance. The second compacts with the relationship between performance and outcomes. And the third compacts with the relationship between outcomes and satisfaction. These three beliefs form the basis of the belief system of motivation and performance. Accepting that these beliefs are decisive preconditions for motivatio... Accepting that these beliefs are decisive preconditions for motivation helps to explain why incentive programs generally yield such lackluster results like in case of Gap Inc. Since employees do not always hold these beliefs to be true, attempts to improve motivation by using incentives cannot make the grade, even when the incentives are highly desirable ones. Types of Motivation Problems One cannot do it Motivation problem: Lack of confidence Associated feelings: Self-doubt Anxiety Frustration Outcomes are not tied to one's performance Motivation problem: Lack of trust Associated feelings: Skepticism Disbelief Mistrust Outcomes will not be satisfying to one Motivation problem: Lack of satisfaction Associated feelings: Anger Rebelliousness Low Morale and Absenteeism At Gap Inc. a major transformation attempt only makes difficult the situation. If any of three beliefs are shaky to begin with, organisational change at Gap Inc. can weaken them even further. The result is often serious motivation and performance problems, at a time when organisations can least afford them, and a resultant surge in the negative emotions associated with change. When an employee believes 'one cannot do it' for example, one may develop a lack of self-confidence and begin to experience many of the unpleasant feelings that go along with it: self-doubt, anxiety, and frustration. About a year into the change effort, one manager portrayed the inner turmoil one went through by comparing the restructuring to building a ship at the same time one is trying to sail it. (Mele, 2003) Worker beliefs that 'outcomes are not tied to one's performance' can also escort to noteworthy motivation

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Japanese Traditional Building Techniques Assignment

Japanese Traditional Building Techniques - Assignment Example Timber and clay are abundantly available in Japan; hence these are the main building materials used in Japanese house construction since the last several hundred years (Figure 1). The framework is constructed with timber, which is walled with the help of clay. By the late 1970s, this traditional method of building Japanese houses gradually decreased. This was mainly because the timber framework was replaced by the North American style panel construction, and the clay wall by timber or steel paneling. However, in some places in Japan such as Toyohashi, the traditional building technique is continued in the present day; though the number of clay-walled houses constructed is declining (Hideo 2003). Carpenters put sills on the concrete foundation, erect posts then using various joints they join the various posts with beams. The contemporary method is to use nails, reinforcing metals and brasses to give more earthquake resistance to the houses according to the Building Regulations. Accord ing to Hideo (2003), after the roof structure has been assembled, a ceremony of ridge raising termed Muneageshiki is performed, in collaboration with the client and the community. Carpenters prepare the frame sections at their workshop from cut timber, and assemble them at the building site. Plasterers set bamboo lath in frame spaces and apply clay to the lath. This Arakabe is generally applied before the onset of winter; and it takes one to two months to dry completely. This is followed by two more applications of clay.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Windows Hardening Defense Essay Example for Free

Windows Hardening Defense Essay Windows Hardening Defense, starts with the basics, Log in with least amount of privileges. Always use Firewall and AV. Monitor channels for security advisories and alerts. Know your system(s). Patch early and patch often, Unpatched Systems are the lowest of low hanging fruit. Have a patch policy documented and stick with it. Review patches as they are released and determine criticality based on the exploit, threat footprint for your system(s), and whether or not there is a POC or fully weapon exploit in the wild. When possible, test patches before rolling out in production on servers. Most clients should have automatic updates enabled for the OS and any application listening on a socket or used with untrusted data (java, adobe, browsers, etc) Servers should be updated during maintenance windows if possible and depending on criticality (of threat and server). Security Technical Implementation Guide is a Compendium of DOD Policies, Security Regulations and Best Practices for Securing an IA or IA-Enabled Device (Operating System, Network, Application Software, etc.) A Guide for Information Security. Mandated in DODD 8500.1, DODI 8500.2 and endorsed by CJCSI 6510.01, AR 25-2, and AFI 33-202. The goals of STIG are to provide Intrusion Avoidance, Intrusion Detection, Security Implementation Guidance, Response and Recovery. DISA STIGs offers configuration guides and checklists for: Databases, Operating Systems, Web Servers, Etc Also provides standard â€Å"findings† and impact ratings CAT I, CAT II, CAT III. First draft November 2006; first release July 2008. 129 requirements covering: Program Management, Design Development, Software Configuration Management, Testing and Deployment. ASD STIG applies to â€Å"all DoD developed, architected, and administered applications and systems connected to DoD networks†. Essentially anything plugged into DoD. Requirements can be extremely broad: APP3510: The Designer will ensure the application validates all user input. APP3540: The Designer will ensure the application is not vulnerable to SQL Injection. Requirements can be extremely specific: APP3390: The Designer will ensure users accounts are locked after three consecutive unsuccessful logon attempts within one hour. Requirements can be esoteric: APP3150: The Designer will ensure the application uses FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules to implement encryption, key exchange,  digital signature, and hash functionality. Requirements can be expensive: APP2120: The Program Manager will ensure developers are provided with training on secure design and coding practices on at least an annual basis. Exploiting known vulnerabilities with PenTest apps it is very easy to discover if a server is vulnerable (Nessus, metasploit, etc.) SNMP hacking to reveal server uptime (for Windows it is OID . for critical always-on systems they may not have been rebooted for months/years. Easy to back-date in a vulnerability database and see which patches require a reboot and know for certain they aren’t properly applied. If you have an account on the server you can use â€Å"net statistics server† or â€Å"net statistics workstation† to determine uptime. Security compliance manager is the framework used for Stripping, Hardening, and Compliance purposes. Use this to make a Gold/Master image for mass distribution or for individual stand-alone machines. Explicit guides are defined for hardening the registry and other file system settings. Templates for OS, Roles, Features, and Applications. With System Center 2012 you can apply industry standard compliance templates for PCI, FISMA, ISO, HIPAA, etc. The STIGs and NSA Guides are the configuration standards for DOD IA and IA-enabled devices/systems. STIGs are lists of all controls and what their values must be in order to be compliant. In process of migrating to using NIST’s SCAP (Security Content Automation Protocol) to automate compliance monitoring. Newer auditing tools have SCAP integration already in place. DISA FSO Gold Disk was used for older systems (W2k8R1 and Vista are last supported) for automated auditing. Citations: http://www.disa.mil/ and http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/index.html#

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Huckleberry Finn :: essays research papers

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, chapters 19 and 20 add to the plot by taking Huck and Jim on a different path than their usual lazy peaceful days on the raft. While Huck is collecting berries in a creek, he is approached by two men that are desperately seeking rescue from the men and dogs that pursue them. After escaping the scent of the dogs, and the wrath of the men, the two men discover that they are both con artists and decide to work together. The two men trick Huck and Jim into believing that they decedents of royalty so that they can receive special treatment whilst on the raft. Huck does realize later that these two men are liars, but would rather keep his mouth shut about it so as to keep peace on the raft. These men are living examples of the ugly society that Huck and Jim are trying to escape. Through the â€Å"King†, Huck learns the gullibility of Americans as the â€Å"King† cheats a meeting hall full of people out of $87 dollars and a jug of whisky . With these two men onboard the raft, the usual peace is far from near.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chapters 19 and 20 introduce us to the con artists that play themselves off as high royalty to Huck and Jim. The youngest man (around 30 years old), tells Huck and Jim that he is a Duke, and that he would like to be treated like a Duke. The oldest man (70 years old), tells Huck and Jim that he is a King, and would like to receive better treatment than the Duke. Huck knows that these two men are liars, but Huck-being the keeper of peace that he is, decides it’s best not to expose the men. Jim on the other hand, can’t see past the fog, and gets very excited to have such men on the raft. We learn that both of these men cheat and lie there way from town to town, and we witness this first hand with the â€Å"King’s† performance in the town meeting hall, and the â€Å"Duke’s† work at the printing shop.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark Twain does not regularly use figurative language throughout the novel, mainly because Huckleberry is the narrator. Though, we do find some examples of figurative language as we read on. In chapter 19, we can find an example of personification, â€Å"†¦nights went by; I reckon I might say they swum by, they slid along so quiet and smooth and lovely.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Data Protection Act 1998 Essay

During face to face and telephone conversation you should always be well mannered, presentable and speak with appropriate language and be informative to the conversation at hand. What type of questioning you as a therapist should use; You should always use open and closed questions when dealing with a client, open question e. g. what treatments have you had before. A closed question e. g. have had this treatment before. Personal behaviour; Your personal behaviour should always be professional and informative to the client’s needs so you give the best options to your client with the next professional presentation. Personal professional presentation; Your professional personal presentation should always be clean, neat and fresh smelling and meet the salons rules and regulation, because the first person the client meets and see’s is you, and you should show a good presentation because your jobs is to make the client look and feel more beautiful whilst selling products to them. Data protection and storage information; Data protection and storage of information should always be followed to the data protection act regulations, to avoid any information being found be someone inappropriate and used in a harmful way. This information should be stored away in a locked cupboard or on computer with a password. Timings and costs; Timing and costs should always be memorised and learnt by all staff members to ensure the salon runs efficiently, that the clients are well informed on procedures and prices and so that there is no dispute with the information given and that treatments won go over causing over booking of the therapist and loss of profits for the salon. How to keep payments safe and secure; Payments should be kept safe and secure in a cash register with a key or electronic lock, and only people of authority should have a copy of a copy of the keys or codes. What types of problems that may occur in the salon; Miss-informed treatment prices leading to an unhappy customer. Clients being late for appointments and being turned away or asked to wait due to time keeping the receptionist and therapist has to keep to run a smooth salon. Contra-actions due to a reaction to certain treatments leading to an unhappy client. All of these problems should be referred to the salon manager or owner to deal with, as you as the therapist have no jurisdiction here, unless you are salon manager.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Unit 9 the Welfare System Human Services and Social Policy

The Welfare System The Welfare System Instructor: Dr. Michelle March HN300-01 DUE: 12/20/2011 Instructor: Dr. Michelle March HN300-01 DUE: 12/20/2011 Franklin Moe, Jr. Human Services & Social Policy Franklin Moe, Jr. Human Services & Social Policy To understand the â€Å"Welfare System† one must know its history. The American welfare system has changed dramatically over the past 80 years. A 100 years ago, families, local communities, and charities; typically religious based, served as the safety net for those who had fallen on hard times. The Great Depression of the 1930s would see a change in social policy with the passing of President Roosevelt’s â€Å"New Deal† establishing Social Security and Aid to Dependent Children (ADC. ) Thus was born the American Welfare System. The U. S. welfare system stayed in the hands of the federal government for the next sixty-one years. Many Americans were unhappy with the welfare system, claiming that individuals were abusing the welfare programs by not applying for jobs, having more children just to get more aid, and staying unmarried so as to qualify for greater benefits. Further expansion came with the Johnson’s administration in the 1960s with the establishment of Medicare, Medicaid, Public Housing, and other programs. During the Reagan presidency it was claimed that mothers with infants should not be allowed to become dependent on the welfare system, and that providing assistance for children under one year of age constituted such â€Å"dependency† The welfare system remained relatively unchanged till 1996 when President Clinton signed a sweeping welfare reform law that is still a hot topic of public controversy today. When Clinton was elected he had the intention of changing the welfare system. In 1996 the Republican Congress passed a reform law signed by President Clinton that gave the control of the welfare system back to the states. Conservatives claim a dramatic decline in welfare caseloads, while Liberals attribute the decline to a once healthy economy (www. welfareinfo. org). â€Å"Compared with those of other western industrialized nations, the U. S. social safety net is exceptional in numerous ways. Federal, state, and local governments in the United States spend far less on social welfare per capita than do peer nations† (Schaefer & Simmons, 2009 p. 1). The purpose of the welfare system is to address social problems (www. policyalmanac. org (ND) retrieved 11/27/11). â€Å"Some argue that the â€Å"importance† of a social problem depends on two things (1) the power and social status of those who are defining the problem and urging the expenditure of resources toward a solution and (2) the sheer number of people affected. Thus, the more people affected and the greater the social power and status of those urging a solution, the more important the social problem† (Chambers & Wedel 2009 p. 7). However, it should be understood that social problems are â€Å"highly variable and depend on the viewer† (Chamber & Wedel 2009 p. 9). â€Å"There are four points to consider when doing a social problem analysis: 1) Identify the way the problem is defined. 2) Identify the cause(s) to which the problem is attributed (its antecedents) and is most serious consequences. 3) Identify the ideology-the values, that is-that makes the events of concern come to be defined as a problem. 4) Identify who benefits (gains) and who suffers (loses) from the existence of the problem† (Chambers & Wedel 2009 pp. 9-10). The welfare system is too complex a subject, and the social problems the system addresses are beyond the scope of this essay. However, I will discuss the goal and objectives for creating the welfare system, and address how these services are distributed. The federal government provides assistance through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). TANF is a grant given to each state to run their own welfare programs. The TANF grant requires that all recipients of welfare aid must find work within two years of receiving aid, including single parents who are required to work at least 30 hours per week. Failure to comply with work requirements could result in loss of benefits. Eligibility for a welfare program depends on numerous factors. Eligibility is determined using gross and net income, size of the family, and any crisis situation such as medical emergencies, pregnancy, homelessness or unemployment (www. welfareinfo. org retrieved 12/12/11). A case worker is assigned to those applying for aid. They will gather all the necessary information to determine the amount and type of benefits that an individual is eligible for. The new welfare system actively discourages mothers from marrying. As the entire emphasis is now on getting the mothers into the workforce, and adding that the period during which they can receive â€Å"benefits† greatly extends if they remain single, the new version of the welfare system is both undermining traditional family values and even contributing to the poverty level by its continuing focus on keeping mothers single and in the workforce. One cannot talk about the welfare system without a focus on child welfare. Child welfare is a broad term that is used to describe the process of protecting children from abuse and neglect. A comprehensive child welfare system usually has multiple components and may involve numerous social services agencies working together in a community to provide a safety net for vulnerable children. In most communities a child welfare services include investigations of child maltreatment, foster care, protective living arrangements for children, counseling, financial assistance, and adoption programs. The scope and quality of child welfare services varies a great deal from one community to another (www. welfareinfo. org retrieved 12/13/11). The purpose of the investigative program is to inquire into allegations of abuse and neglect. Many times these referrals are screened out. Many of these investigations do not turn up any evidence of neglect or abuse however, when the children are in imminent danger of harm from further abuse or neglect, the children services investigations will turn the case over for placement. Most child welfare services also provide foster care. Foster care can consist of emergency shelters where children are housed for a few hours or days. Foster care parents who open their homes where children who need a safe haven for a few weeks or months, or long term foster care homes where children may live for years. Some child welfare services programs also operate residential programs which are specialized to provide care for children who may suffer from extreme emotional and behavioral problems. However, there are more children in need of foster care than there are foster homes and group homes in which to place them, child welfare agencies typically have programs for what is known as family preservation. The purpose of these family preservation programs is to provide intense counseling and support for a multitude of family problems according to The History of the Welfare System (www. voices. yahoo. om retrieved 12/12/11). Families involved in these programs may have a combination of problems that range from substance abuse, domestic violence, emotional problems, severe mental disorders, financial difficulties, and lack of appropriate parenting skills. The family preservation programs provided through the child welfare system helped to keep children in their homes when the abuse or neglect was relatively mild. When the parents receive the proper kinds of support and intervention many of them are able to continue to provide care for their children and keep them free of abuse or neglect (www. elfareinfo. org retrieved 12/14/11). Many child welfare programs also incorporate eligibility programs that provide welfare benefits to enable parents who live in poverty to apply for food stamps, Medicaid, childcare subsidies, housing subsidies, and other assistance to help these parents provide basic needs for their children. The ability to access these services allows many families to feel less stress in taking care of their children, and helps keep children from having their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter go unmet (www. welfareinfo. org retrieved 12/15/11). Most child welfare services also have programs that arrange for adoption. Adoption is necessary for child welfare programs so that permanent homes can be found for those children whose parents are unable to raise them in a safe healthy environment. The termination of parental rights is the last resort for families who are not able to keep their children safe, but this process occurs after all the alternatives that child welfare programs have to offer and have been tried. The welfare system in and of itself is nothing; it is a conglomeration of policies and programs. There are three styles of welfare policy analysis: the analytic-descriptive, the value-committed, and the value-critical methods (Chambers & Wedel, 2009 p. 44). While recognizing that political occasions will arise during which is essential? The value-committed approach is rejected because it is not open to new data or conclusions. The fact argues for the value-critical style which forces into the open, the effects of ideology is inherent in the analytic method use. The analytic-descriptive method fails as a policy analysis because it commits the analyst to unattainable assumptions. Such assumptions can be unrealistic because any judgment of social programs requires judgment of social worthiness (Chambers & Wedel, 2009, p. 44). Chambers and Wedel explain there are six policy elements which form the cornerstone of every policy and program of the welfare system. It is these elements on which the practical social policy analyst ultimately will base judgments about a policy or program. The six policy elements are as follows: 1. Goals and Objectives 2. Forms of benefits or services delivered 3. Entitlement (eligibility rules) . Administrative or organizational structure for service delivery 5. Financing method 6. Interaction among the foregoing elements These six are without which a policy or program cannot be operated, they are necessary to implement a policy or program within the welfare system (2009, p. 38). Many studies have examined the effect of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) on employment trends, financial security and family structure, but few have considered the implications for mental health issues. Yet mental health is central to a key objective of welfare reform. Results suggest that before PRWORA, welfare recipients did not differ from other poor women in depressive or alcohol dependence symptoms. Ten years after the reform, welfare recipients experience more depressive symptoms than other poor women. This suggests that welfare reform left unusually symptomatic women on rolls. The finding also suggests that mental health services are critical if welfare recipients are to succeed in making the transaction from welfare to work (Rote & Quandagno, June 2011, p. 29-245). Changes will come over time, administrations will continue to tweak the system here and there in the hopes of coming up with something better than previous generations. Drug testing may very well be a viable way to control abuse of the welfare system in the future too, welfare policies and programs are a hit and miss kind of thing, and it will be interesting to see what the future holds for the welfare system. Pov erty is a phenomenon within a capitalistic society. No amount of funding appropriated for the welfare system will ever be able to completely eradicate poverty. Some people, no matter how much resources they are given, cannot pull themselves out of the clutches of poverty. This has been proven time after time when poverty stricken people win the lottery and end up worse off than they were before winning. As long as there is poverty then we can hope at least in the United States of America there is the welfare system to fall back on for the truly needy. References www. welfareinfo. org Schaeffer, H. L. amp; Simmons, E. D. The development of an unequal social safety net: Journal of Sociology and Welfare, Sep 2009, vol. 36 issue 3, p179-199 www. policyalmanac. org/social_welfare/index. shtml Chambers, D. E. , & Wedel, K. E. (2009). Social policy and social programs: A method for the practical policy analyst (5th ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson www. voices. yahoo. com/welfare Rote, S. & Quandagno, J. : Depression and Alcohol Dependence among Po or Women: Before and After Welfare Reform: Social Service Review; Jun2011, vol 85 Issue 2, p229-245, 17p.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Violence in the Bahamas essays

Violence in the Bahamas essays Causes of youth violence in the Bahamas Train up a in child in the way they should go when they are old never will depart from it. Parents need to take the full responsibility of their youth actions. Such as monitor what they watch on television and the music they hear, Adults should have better control where their youth hang up, and Teachers must be able to excises more discipline in the school. IN the world we are living most parents dont monitor what their children watching and the kind of music they are listerning to. They spend too much time on the telephone gossip with friend and to busy with different activities around them Just about every home in the Bahamas each child room has a cable in it while parents are not aware what they are watching at night. Parents need to take these cable out of the children room because most of them sometime they get bad influence from watching the wrong movie. Majority of youth are playing music sometime they cant understanding what the writer a is saying. Some of the music sendin g bad message across to the youth and once they instill these song sometime they practice exact what the music say. Parents have to show more consideration to the kind of music their youth are listerning to and make sure its sent positive message to them. Most parents marriage or single dont know where there youth hang up. You really have some of them that tell their parent that they are going by a friend went you find out that is not the true. I feel that every parent should know every company that their youth keep and make sure that they fit the characteristic that your youth procession. These youth sometime are looking for love and caring what they cant get from home so they go out there and find it from either gang group that shown the wrong direction or bad companies that lead them to the bar room and selling drug. Everywhere you go these youth are in the nightclub and most of the ti...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A humble people

List the positive and the negative things Bingham says about the British. In the text are positive and negative things said about the British. Bingham is of the opinion that the positive things about British are that they are Imaginative and original, permissive and that they are at least not French. But he also believes that there are many bad things too. Firstly, he mentions that there are problems in society. Secondly he says that there is a lack in education. Additionally the managers and politicians combine worse attributes like greedy, incompetent and sleazy. And finally other bad things about British is according to Bingham that they hate their weather, the public services extremely bad, the house prices are very high, the roads Jammed, the football team not so good and that they drink to much. b) How does the author view multiculturalism in Britain today? Describe how, according to him, multiculturalism was different in the past. The authors view is that multiculturalism In Britain today causes less difficulties than in the past. He mentions that some people say that multiculturalism causes problems because of racial and religious tensions (1. 27-28) but he is convinced that this wont be a new challenge if it exists. According to him, multiculturalism in the past was always combined with bad manners like a sword in the belly (1. 31) in the age of the Vikings or bonfires, stakes and heretics (1. 32) in the sixteenth century. 2. Analysis Examine the style of the text think about *tone and *irony. Describe the effect on the reader. The author makes use of formal language but also incorporates colloquial elements. He is distinguished by his eloquence. Combining an elevated style with colloquial language gives a comic effect. The text varies in the use of simple and complex sentence construction. The text is written in an ironic style and contains many ornamental epithets. The text contains many comic elements. The tone of the text Is humorous. The vocabulary Is extensive. Essay about A humble people By Pantapon 1 . Comprehension opinion that the positive things about British are that they are imaginative and jammed, the football team not so good and that they drink to much. The authors view is that multiculturalism in Britain today causes less difficulties than because of racial and religious tensions (1. 27-28) but he is convinced that this wont ornamental epithets. The text contains many comic elements. The tone of the text is humorous. The vocabulary is extensive.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organisational change 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Organisational change 2 - Essay Example one were to google-search the phrase â€Å"what is change?† close to 20 million book entries would align themselves in his computer screen as if one could have the luxury to get to the 20-millionth entry. But indeed, as Stickland (1998) observes as early as in his writing time, change would be a subject that could swiftly expand in treatment and in scope due to the speed with which it would show itself in human activity. In the two decades preceding Stickland’s book publication, the word â€Å"change† has more than doubled its appearance in literature titles (Stickland, 1998). Most book publishers and authors, it is observed, get deep into serious treatment of the subject of change, its nature, its effects and anything it can do, yet miss out on its definition. In fact, Ly (2009) notes that change is a â€Å"phenomenon for which there is no agreed-upon definition.† It is just like saying it is just there; it just happens. It assumes the characteristic of time, that the more people attempt to define it, the more it confuses, making description the easiest way towards understanding. But of course, a few authors made some sincere attempt to define it, if only to have some sense of it. Ly (2009) was resourceful enough to feature some of them. Hanelock defines change as any significant difference in the status quo. Linquist refers to it as a modification of, deletion of, or addition to attitudes and behavior. Morgan defines change as a process or condition of being different between time 1 and time 2. Of course, the most common reference for definitions, Webster, calls change as an act of becoming different. (Ly, 2009). And if man sees change as part of himself and his evolution, never has change been more obvious, pronounced and ubiquitous in organizations than now because of the constantly varying character of the environments they are in. Zimmerman (2011) notes very profoundly that in view of these highly charged surroundings, organizations need to change